Saturday, July 3, 2010

Where the !^@$ is Prince Charming?

"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."--Ibn Abbad

As I watching Adam Sandler's 1998 flick "The Wedding Singer" I started wondering... Where the !^@$ is Prince Charming? The movie ever so teasingly ended with Adam Sandler singing a love song to Drew Barrymore to prove his love.

How about the "Twilight Saga" series? Two men fighting for the love of a woman who both happen to be good looking and willing to die for Bella Swan—a girl too fragile to defend herself and can’t seem to chose between the two.

The world of entertainment has raised womenfolk's expectations of what love is or should be. They have raised the bar for us so high that no man seems to fit the description of “Prince Charming.” The only movie to get it right was Shrek; they painted a true picture of what Prince Charming is behind the beautiful face. It took a kiddie movie to knock us back into reality and show us a good guy can come in the form of a fat, green, dirty, and sometimes annoying “creature.”

I am married to a good man—an honest, down-to-earth, funny, truly truly sweet man. The kind of man who looks at me with a burning passion that seems undying. A man who’s never said the word “no” to me and anything I want that he runs to get for me, and sometimes I don’t even have to ask—it’s like he knows already what I’m needing or wanting.

How many wives out there can say they’ve been married for almost three years and have only done the dishes maybe a handful of times? How many wives can say their husbands have breakfast ready for them every morning before he goes to work for twelve hour shifts? How many wives can say their husbands have never been mad at them? I can and anyone who’s ever met my husband can vouch for what I’ve said. I am madly in love with my husband, and yet I still find myself drowning in these romantic movies and novels—drowning to the point where I do not want to leave my fantasy land and coming back to the real world. I still find myself wondering—where’s my prince charming?Is it possible we will ever be content with whoever is given to us—even when he or she is the best thing that ever happened to you?


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